Monday, January 17, 2011

I hate it when...

I burn my tongue and then you can't taste things right for the next few days. It's so annoying. Haha I know that's random but right as I was starting to blog I tried to taste my yogurt and couldn't. Anyway, it's been a good year so far. I put forth some very ambitious goals for myself and I'm starting to take the steps to figure me out. To figure out why I'm here and what I should be doing. I start orientation for a couple of volunteer organizations soon and I'm very excited about this. One organization is for battered and abused women/children. I'd volunteer at the facility helping check women in and help care for them while they're there. I've been so selfish with my time for the past few years and it's time I change that. The other organization is helping disabled or mentally handicapped people maintain their financials and visit them once a week to make sure they are keeping up with their checkbook etc. This one hits home the most because my grandfather had Alzheimer's and was unable to handle money or anything so my family had to help him out. It's my goal to stick with all of these new experiences and help myself grow. On another note, I've been organizing a lot and realized I have so much music that I wish I had on my phone or iPod but Im afraid about putting too many songs onto my laptop because it's not the most reliable piece of crap. I have a desktop as well so I guess I can just pile all of my music onto there. Hmm...decisions...decisions. Ok well hope all is awesome wherever you may be. Take care.

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