It's already the new year. I made a resolution of sorts to "check-in" more. Whether that be writing in a journal or blogging. Just check in with myself, with friends and family. Make sure I don't get stuck in a rut of being on the outside of my life looking in. It happens all too often. I'm a very socially driven person and when I'm not being social I get down. So, my goal is to be more social any chance I get. So if you guys, the few of you that read this lil ol blog of mine. Make sure you keep me in check and make sure I check in. Thanks!
So my New Years Eve wasn't anything special but it was relaxing and I spent it with my good friends. Next year I want it to be something memorable. Maybe I'll jet off to NYC and experience that amazingness or maybe I'll throw a killer party of my own. One where we play ridiculous board games and take lots of pictures. I don't like alcohol driven parties. I used to that's for sure. Time though makes you realize it's just about having the people close to you around that should matter. If alcohol is the center of the party then it is sure to cause some turmoil. So you won't need to be smashed to have fun at my party. Like I said though, maybe I will be partying it up with a million other people somewhere else. Who knows. I have a whole year to plan!
This past year wasn't too shabby. Though I know there are sure to be some EPIC things coming around this year that will surely make it the best year ever. Time will tell. Well I checked in y'all. Remember to hold me accountable! I wish you all the best in the coming year! Laterz!
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