My type. He's average height. Was born to wear a suit. His smile is contagious. He oozes confidence but isn't conceited. His eyes no matter the color can tell his story. He enjoys sports but hates the gym. His laughter is infectious. He guides me through doorways by gently touching the small of my back. He doesn't act like the perfect man to bring home to mom and dad he is genuinely that guy by nature. He's the nice guy to his friends but the cut-throat always gets his way guy in his career. He doesn't cut corners and always works hard. He makes time for his family because he knows they are the ones that bring true happiness.
Have I met him? No. Will I meet him? Who knows. I've never understood people that had a type and when a good person came along but didn't fit that type criteria they turned their back. I understand them now but I still don't agree. No I wouldn't turn a man down if he didn't fill my "criteria". My ex-husband didn't fit that "criteria" but then again I probably didn't fit his either. Possibly why we are exes. So maybe that's key. If you know what you want and what makes you happy in a partner then strive to find that but don't turn away the possibility of love no matter the form that person holds. Everyone we encounter isn't by hapchance. We are meant to meet people and learn from them. I learned from my past. Do I wish it had been easier? Hell yes. I wouldn't change it for anything though. My "criteria" now has changed. I think it changes as we grow older and mature. What attracted is a potential person before doesn't have the same affect now. It's the same with friends too. The friends we surrounded ourself with before is pretty different usually when you get older. Time changes us. Whether we like it or not.
In my opinion it's not a bad thing to crush on a celebrity or a character on a show. For the things we see we learn from. So the attraction to that crush teaches us what we want in real life. Again, we shouldn't limit ourself though. If love comes knocking on our door and if there isn't dangers involved in loving that person, then go for it. Just because that person doesn't fit "criteria" now doesn't mean they won't in the future. For time changes us. Don't get me wrong. I don't believe in settling. I also don't believe in being too prideful to give someone a chance. Who knows. Mr. right now could be mr. right if you give him the opportunity. So my motto for this year. Go for it. Don't be afraid of failing. Whether that be in relationships or my career. If I feel moved to make a change. Then I will change. Funny how this started out as a blog about my type and changed mid-way through. My writing my rules though right? Happy New Year to all who stumble upon this good ol blog of mine. May you never settle and be happy in all that you do.
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