Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 1: 30-Day Blog Challenge

My bestie and I are doing this blog challenge. So here we go…


Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.




  1. I rarely have on a pair of matching socks. Mainly because I can never find a matching pair.
  2. I have really dull teeth. It’s hard for me to chew steak but I love me some steak!
  3. My nickname in high school was Pikachu.
  4. I have a wiener dog named Dora who is paralyzed.
  5. When I’m stressed one way I love to just unwind is by coloring.
  6. I could watch the show “How it’s Made” all the time!
  7. I feel at ease and at home near the ocean. I hope to have a beach house one day.
  8. I have really small hands. My 10 year old cousin’s hands are bigger than mine.
  9. I have never had to clip my toenails and fingernails…they don’t grow.
  10. I can fall asleep with my head at one end of the bed and wake up with it on the other end.
  11. I talk in my sleep and have been known to have conversations while asleep.
  12. I love kid snacks such as goldfish and fruit roll ups.
  13. I was really ridiculously shy until I was 13, now I’m overly extraverted.
  14. My favorite snack growing up was pickles and cheese.
  15. I love tennis shoes. I have an itch to buy a new pair every paycheck.

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