Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday's are for letters

Dear Adderall, Thanks for making me focused and ready for the day. My ADD brain truly appreciates you and your awesomeness! Much love...oh look a squirrel.

Dear grumpy co-worker, I know it's Monday but please attempt to smile when you pass my desk. Do I offend you by being smiley and happy this morning. If so...bite me.

Dear work, I love you. You're great but I wish you were outside. It's PERFECT out.

Dear love, You make me happy. Truly blissfully happy but you're too damn complicated. Can you just be simple for once? No...ok fine.

Dear people who read this, I hope today is a great day for you. I hope it's filled with lots of awesome Monday greatness. If not, have a shot of whiskey, go back to bed, and when you wake up it will be one day closer to Friday. You're welcome.

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