Sunday, May 1, 2011

A manifesto of sorts...

The thing about blogging. It makes you self-reflect and sometimes all too often. It makes you wonder if your life is what it should be. The fact is though...your life is yours. It's not determined by what other people are doing. It's not determined by the should be's. It's determined by hard-work and passion. My life is not glamorous. I don't take pictures all of the time. I love taking pictures but it's not something I'm passionate about. I don't always have the perfect words to say. So I don't blog or write often.

I see tons of people with Etsy shops, food and photography blogs and it makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something. I am. I'm missing out on finding my passion. Then I get to wondering what if my passion isn't something tangible like other peoples. What if I love my job and just want to have lots of hobbies that I'm passionate about. Then I slap myself in the face for comparing myself to these other people. I am me. You are you. That's what makes this world go round. You may rock it at being a mom/blogger/cook/writer/photography and the list goes on. That's you. This is me. I rock at being random and speaking my mind. I rock at being organized at work and being sociable. I rock at screaming at sports games. I rock at being me. So that's what I will always be.

I stand here before the Internet with my fingers as tools to present to you that declaration. So here I am. Open, honest and with blank pages to fill with new words and pictures on occasion.

I don't conform to the usual. I don't believe what others think I should. I'm a woman of faith but I'm not religious. Go ahead and challenge me. I probably won't take the time to debate with you but I will listen. Wow that felt pretty damn good to say!

Monday is approaching so I better get prepared. Catch ya on the flip side.

1 comment:

Chloee said...

I completly agree